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Urban Sports Club participates in the #BEACTIVE DAY with Event

As a long-standing partner of EuropeActive, we organized an event in Frankfurt am Main to celebrate the #BEACTIVE DAY as part of the European Week of Sports. The main goal of the event, held on September 23, 2024, was to make a statement for the sports industry and promote the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle.

Sharing the enthusiasm for sport

The idea behind EuropeActive’s #BEACTIVE DAY is to encourage people across Europe to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. It is part of the broader European Week of Sport, which aims to promote physical activity and raise awareness of the positive impact of sports and movement.

The 6-kilometre running event, supported by Swiss sportswear brand ON, welcomed around 40 participants at the partner venue Classy Fitness, where the run began. Another highlight was the post-run pasta party, where members could share their experiences from the run.

Check out our articles featuring partner events with Beat81 and Holmes Place.